1. 尊龍凱時-專業互聯網站建設11年 ,讓尊龍凱時更加懂得您的需求 !


      建站熱線 :0371-63563579

      新聞資訊 NEWS



          您知道Google一共參考了多少個排名的原則麽 ?在google的網站裏麵 ,Google自己承認超過100個 ,但是實際上呢 ?告訴各位絕對不是隻有100個 ,舉個例子 ,時間因素沒有提 ,鏡像因素沒有提 ,重複問題沒有提 ,網頁結構沒有提 ,中文的處理>式更不可能提了(其實google對中文的處理還是很幼稚的)...... ,其實Google絕對不會把他們的家底透漏出來 ,否則Google就不用混了 。

      各位可以在Google的網站裏麵找到以下他們承認的一些因素 。

      End User Features  

      • Google quality and ranking  
        For each query,Google factors in 100 variables, including anchor text, URL patterns, fonts and positioning data to calculate relevance.  
      • Dynamic page summaries
        Search result summaries contain dynamically generated snippets of text that show how your query was used on the page.  
      • Results grouping
        Multiple results from the same subdirectory are grouped together, making search results easier to read quickly.  
      • Automatic spellchecker
        Google's self-learning spellchecker automatically detects misspellings and suggests corrections. Using technology developed by Google, it is far more accurate than industry standard software.  
      • Cached pages
        Caches copies of every page in your index, so search results can be viewed when the original sites are down.  
      • Hit highlighting
        Query terms are highlighted on cached pages, allowing users to quickly find which parts of a page are relevant to their queries.  
      • View as HTML
        Non-HTML search results are automatically reformatted as HTML, enabling users a quick glimpse at the content without having to launch the original application in which the content was created.  
      • Sort by date
        Enables users to get at time-sensitive information first. Dates can be identified in any international format.  
      • Advanced boolean search
        Offers more than 10 special query terms for advanced search functionality and supports Boolean AND, OR, and NOT searches.  

      Administrator Features

      • Web-based Admin Console
        The admin console supports multiple logins and administrative roles for crawling, serving, and monitoring with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface.  
      • Subcollections  
        Categorize searches according to URL patterns.
      • Synonyms
        Define synonyms for company-specific acronyms or terminology and have those terms be displayed as suggested alternative queries.  
      • Keymatch
        Define matches between URLs and keywords so that the targeted URL displays above the main set of search results.
      • Look and Feel
        Search results customizable using XSLT stylesheets.
      • Reporting
        Web-based reports show daily and hourly result sets, top queries, special feature usage, and more. Easily export the reports for use in other reporting tools.  
      • URL Tracking
        Analyzes all crawled content and hosts, making it easy for administrators to identify problematic servers, errors, and sources of content.  
      • Remote Diagnostics  
        Comes equipped with a modem connection for remote maintenance by Google support if necessary.

      Enterprise Integration

      • Web Servers  
        The Google Search Appliance maps all the web documents on your network accessible via hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) in a process known as crawling, then creates an index of those documents.
      • Secure Search
        The Google Search Appliance has the capability to crawl password-protected areas and HTTPs content. Secure information protected by basic authentication or NTLM is shown only to users who have access authorization.  
      • Proxy Servers
        Crawls content located behind proxy servers.  
      • Lotus Domino
        Fast, efficient crawling of Lotus Domino servers.
      • Meta Tags
        Supports standard meta tag fields, enabling search narrowing and filtering based on meta tag values. Also can return meta tag data for display in search results.  
      • File Types  
        Search more than 200 file types, including HTML, Microsoft Office™, PDF, PostScript, WordPerfect, Lotus, and many others.
      • Languages
        Able to restrict searches to any one of 28 languages.

      實際上 ,幾乎每個月Google都在改變算法 ,如果沒有堅持每個月u深入了解 ,不出三個月就被Google剔出搜索引擎專家的行列了 ,這也是為什麽國內沒有幾個人願意深入研究的原因了 。